
Vendor Spotlight: Shrooms 2 Grow

Beth Gayden of Shrooms 2 Grow has been a wild mushroom hunter for years bringing to market chanterelle mushrooms from the Appalachian mountains, lobster mushrooms, lions mane, reishi, oysters, and much more.

Beth decided to start a mushroom growing business in 2013 and started a micro farm in Franklin County North Carolina. The same year she started with Shiitake spawn from Field and Forest products and several kinds of oyster mushrooms inoculated  into hardwood logs.  In 2014, she took a class with the NC department of Agriculture and NC A&T University on Shiitake mushroom production. By signing up with a program that promotes shiitake mushroom agriculture in this state, she is now at full time production.

We adore Beth! It takes a special person to know everything there is to know about… MUSHROOMS.

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